Abutalib-Barish Namazov

Abutalib-Barish Namazov

Hey there! My name is Abutalib, but I usually go by Barish in casual settings. I graduated from MIT in May 2024 with an undergraduate degree in Computer Science and Engineering. Even though I try to educate myself in all areas of computer science, these days I am mostly interested in solving the problems of software modularity and web development. I enjoy teaching others, as well as creating educational content.

Other than academics and related work, I enjoy playing video games and watching TV series. The latest show I watched was The Wire, and it was absolutely fantastic.

Currently, I am working on a few projects that are not ready to be announced. The things I have done in the near past include:

I am very grateful to have worked with all these people and organizations. It would be very hard to maintain a list of all the people I have learned from, but I am thankful to all of them.