Finally, a Personal Website!


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I created my first blog when I was just 12 years old, inspired by my father who is a journalist, columnist, and human rights activist. The blog served as a modest experiment, allowing me to share intriguing discoveries and insights with others.

It was around that time I started to learn programming, and things got a bit busy to keep up with the blog. Well, I couldn’t keep up with it, but I always had the desire to write.

Then I started MIT and was pretty sure I would make a website in the first semester. I was soon drinking from the firehose, so the aspiration was postponed yet again. When the current semester began almost a month ago, I bought this domain to force myself to make a website. In my todo list, I created a “make” task for the next day. MIT being MIT, every single day I had to push the task to the next day. Finally, it happened! Funnily enough, I’m writing this post not on the day I made this website, but much later due to the same reasons.

I will try to keep it simple and write as much as I can — probably most about software, but hopefully about other things too. I often get those great ideas that I want to share with the world, but I never get to write them down, so hopefully this is another way to push me to do that.